When is Enough, Enough?

Sometimes the best ideas result from an innocent question. In a recent conversation with Gregg Wartgow at Green Industry Pros magazine he discussed their vision for the publication. They want to be the resource for the aspiring landscape companies under a million in revenue that want to grow. This represents 80% of all landscape companies, […]

Do You Offer ‘Raving Fans Service’?

Raving Fans Service is an expectation of how customers will react when doing business with you.  Although business is more mundane than a sports event, the analogy works. Imagine a stadium of enthusiastic fans – all of them the perfect customer applauding your company, your team, and you for being the best in the business. […]

Selecting and Onboarding the Best People

This is Chapter 3 in our series on Workforce Development. Chapter 1 covered “What Makes People People” – understanding motivation. In Chapter 2 “New Models of Compensation or Pay4Performance” – understanding how to design smart compensation that drives performance. This article focuses on how to Select and Onboard the Best People.