The biggest challenge in the landscape industry with regards to change is the people from within. Making the company a better place, one person, one team & one business unit at a time through communication, community, and leadership sounds easy, it’s not! The trick as Bill Gates says is… ‘Patience is a key element of […]
The best advise I can ever give. Live by who you are, not how you are perceived.
#1 Rule: Accept That You Can’t Control What People Think Of You… This has been the most important value bestowed upon me.It so unfortunate that some people cannot see through there own clouded vision and see you for who you are and what you have to offer. The Guy in the Glass Poem (Man in […]
Ut-Oh, am I the problem?
As a landscape-snow industry business management consultant I see one prevalent problem often among many small-medium sized business owners. Want to know what it is? Answer- The owner (s) themselves. Building an organization of excellence that functions without the owner at the center of attention can be a real challenge – and a real joy […]
Building a brand or destroying a legacy? Part III, Post Merger Integration Thoughts, An Icon + Other Key Executives Leaving…
Leadership changes announced at BrightView Lawn & landscape- November 6, 2015 Roger Zino and other key executives are leaving the company as reported today in Lawn & Landscape Magazine– According to an internal memo obtained by Lawn & Landscape, Roger Zino will step down as vice chairman of BrightView at the end of the year […]
The mystery of the word “WHY”?
One of my favorite words is “why”. Why you might ask, because I am always asking myself why does this happen, or why does that happen. My employees would often ask me, why do we have to do it this way, or why do we have to do it that way, or why do we […]