So we are sitting across the table from the property manager as he/she asked the typical questions…” Will my grass be mowed weekly?”, answer: “why of course,” “will my beds be weed-free?”, answer: “of course they will be, we weed continually,” “will my grass be green?”, “why, of course, we use only the best fertilizer,” […]
Thinking Your Way Through Strategy: Helping The Landscape Company Grow
‘Strategy’; Henry Mintzberg from McGill University defined strategy as “a pattern in a stream of decisions” to contrast with a view of strategy as planning,[3] while Max McKeown (2011) argues that “strategy is about shaping the future” and is the human attempt to get to “desirable ends with available I learned a long time ago […]
Placing Value On Your Business…The Price Is Right!
It’s not about how much it costs your company to do business, the customer does not care. It’s about how much the market will pay. It’s also about how to make your company’s service stand out so different that customers will pay a premium to get it. How often do your customers play the ‘price […]
Change doesn’t come easy! There are no shortcuts to circumvent frustration or the required endurance needed for sustainable success.
The biggest challenge in the landscape industry with regards to change is the people from within. Making the company a better place, one person, one team & one business unit at a time through communication, community, and leadership sounds easy, it’s not! The trick as Bill Gates says is… ‘Patience is a key element of […]
The Growth, decline the growth and survival of today’s Landscape Business.
Businesses are always either growing or declining; as they get bigger, they encounter new things. Staying ahead of the curve is a business owner’s job #1. Setting the proper pace for progress is Job #2. Build an education plan for the business to keep things fresh and forward thinking. Fortunately people tend to be inquisitive. […]
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