The Digital Onslaught: Is a Salesperson, Still a Sales Person?

Do you remember the ole’ days- Salespeople would practice their trade from a briefcase and with a pencil and paper. I do! Those are just memories of the past- In today’s social and digital crazed world, sales people must be knowledgeable and technology empowered people. Not only must they know about the products or services […]

I’m The ‘Boss’ and There’s No Paycheck

Being a business owner is a balancing act, and not an easy one for that matter. While the rewards of being a business owner comes in many forms, salary, which is a short-term reward, bonuses which are the medium-term reward; and increased valuation of the business, which is the long-term goal. Your goal as an […]

The ‘6’ Most Common Marketing Blunders

What are some of the top mistakes companies make when it comes to marketing their business? Actually, a lot of your marketing plan is not aligned carefully with your business objectives and operational capabilities. PROBLEM # ONE- Lack of Focus on the whole marketing objective; I once had a client tell me….I have a great […]

10 Best Lessons I’ve Learned From My Dad

Reflections on life…On my mind and in my heart FOREVER, a son’s reflection. As a father to four great kids, I have learned a lot on my parenthood journey. I learned that there is no ‘handbook’ of right and wrong. There is no cookie-cutter parent figure, and if you thought, there was its only fiction. […]